Hiduplah Indonesia Raya

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Monday, March 15, 2010

The Constitution of Republic of Indonesia 1945 (UUD 1945)

The Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945 (Undang-Undang Dasar Republik Indonesia 1945), or abbreviated as the 1945 Constitution (UUD 1945), is the basis of the written law (basic law) in Indonesia and the basis for the government of Indonesia.

The 1945 Constitution was ratified as the basic law by the Panitia Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia (PPKI) / the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence on August 18, 1945, just a day after the independence was declared.

The 1945 Constitution (usually referred to by the Indonesian acronym UUD'45) remained in force until it was replaced by the Federal Constitution (Konstitusi Republik Indonesia Serikat) on December 27, 1949. This was in turn replaced by the Provisional Constitution (Undang-Undang Sementara) on 17 August 1950. On 5 July 1959 President Sukarno issued a decree dissolving the assembly and returning to the 1945 Constitution

Pada kurun waktu 1999 - 2002, UUD 1945 mengalami 4 kali perubahan (amandemen), yang mengubah susunan lembaga-lembaga dalam sistem ketatanegaraan Republik Indonesia. In the period 1999 - 2002, the 1945 Constitution has been amended 4 times, which change the order of institutions within the state administration system of the Republic of Indonesia.

... To download the script of the 1945 Constitution, before the amendment, and after the amendment, please click the link below ...

The original script of the 1945 Constitution before amendments - Download

The 1st Amendment of the 1945 Constitution -  Download

The 2nd Amendment of the 1945 Constitution - Download

The 3rd Amendment of the 1945 Constitution - Download

The 4th Amendment to the 1945 Constitution - Download

The full text of the 1945 Constitution after amendments - Download


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